HPV Vaccination: 5 Things You Need to Know

HPV Vaccination: 5 Things You Need to Know

HPV is a popular virus that is known to be a leading cause of so many cancers, ranging from cervical to pelvic cancer. However this can be prevented by getting the recommended doses of HPV vaccines. Vaccination is the first line of defense against infections. HPV Vaccinations are known to offer protection against 90 percent of the viruses that cause a highly contagious infection known as genital warts and 70-80 percent of other high-risk HPV viruses that can lead to cancer. It is highly recommended that individuals get vaccinated before having their first sexual encounter. However, even if you have already had sex, you should still consider getting vaccinated as this can serve as a form of protection against the strains of virus you haven’t been exposed to. Below are other things you need to know about HPV vaccination; 

  • Vaccinations are More Effective for Younger Children

These vaccinations are recommended for teenagers ages 11 to 12. It can also be administered to young children who are 9 years of age and above. Children between the ages of 10 and 12 need this vaccine, in order to be protected from HPV infections that can lead to cancer. According to research, the two dose schedule is more effective for children from ages 15 and below. If you are a young adult within the aforementioned age brackets to 26 and didn’t get the opportunity to get vaccinated or didn’t get to finish the HPV vaccine series, there is no cause for alarm, you are still eligible to get vaccinated. However, it is highly recommended that young children ages 15 to 26 should be administered three doses of the vaccine. The most common form of HPV Vaccine in Nigeria is Cervarix.. It is also recommended that you discuss this with your doctor and follow his or her advice. 

  • HPV Vaccines are Safe

These are very safe and highly effective vaccines. It has been tested and approved by medical experts. These vaccines have been approved for use in over 100 countries, with over 175 million doses circulated around the world. The side effects that this vaccine has is like that of other vaccines. Common among the side effects are redness or swelling at the point where the vaccine is being given and arm pain. There is a very low possibility of any risk of any form of very severe reaction from taking the HPV vaccine. A few individuals faint, so it is advised that you seat down for 15 minutes after taking a dose. 

  • Who Shouldn’t take the HPV Vaccine

Women who are pregnant or who are seriously suffering from one form of disease or another aren’t advised to get vaccinated. Individuals should make it a point of duty to inform their doctors of the allergies they suffer from, most especially latex or yeast allergies. Furthermore, if you had an allergic reaction that endangered your life after taking the first dose of the vaccine, it is advised that you shouldn’t continue with it. 

  • After Taking the HPV Vaccine, Do I Still Need to get a Pap Test?

Yes, the vaccine is known to offer protection against HPV infections; however it is highly recommended by medical experts that women should go for pap smears even after being vaccinated. The HPV vaccine doesn’t offer you protection from all the forms of HPV that can cause cancer. So it is very important that you constantly get your pap test done so as to take note of any cell changes that can result in cervical cancer. Women with no history of cervical cancer, who have gotten their hysterectomy- a surgery carried out to remove both the uterus and the cervix – may not necessarily need to continue having their pap smears done. 

  • Where Can I get a Dose of These Vaccines?

These vaccines are available in hospitals and clinics. If your local doctor does not stock the HPV Vaccines, it is advised you request for a referral to a hospital that has it. These vaccines can be given at Procare Hospital, Life Camp Abuja. The Hospital handles all forms of medical services, with a fertility clinic, which boasts of a team of well experienced staffs certified in the field of gynecology, reproductive medicine, among others. 

There actually haven’t been any form of treatment for HPV infection; however some HPV infections get to go away with time. We at Procare Hospital advice that you properly educate yourself more, practice safe sex and get checked regularly by your doctor so as to significantly lower your risk of being infected with HPV. If you have any questions or are in need of more information with regards to HPV vaccine or any related topic click here.

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